Sunday 4 November 2018

Emoji Math

This is my emoji maths work I did on Solvemoji.We had to find the value of the emojis.


  1. Hi there Quentin, Well done on your Emoji Quiz. I have been visiting a lot of blogs in the challenge and I really like the turned it into a Maths puzzle. It is an original approach.

    My name is Merry Beau and I am a commenter from the Student Blogging Challenge.

    I teach children between the ages of 4 and 12 and I am from Ireland. Here is a link to our class blog
    You will see we always put plenty of images on our posts. Sometimes finding the right image takes longer than writing the post! I think it brings a blog to life.

    My class and I have done the student blogging challenge in the past. If you ‘stick with it’ you will learn a lot. As Ms.Morris says you can choose from the suggested activities to do what really interests you. That way blogging is such fun.

    If you get a chance you could put up the Student Blogging Challenge badge for 2018. The instructions for doing that are here:

    It would be lovely to hear back from you. You could leave a comment on my class blog. Part of the fun of blogging is getting to hear from people all over the world. As Ms. Morris says if you finish your tasks why not visit other student bloggers and leave a comment to say hello.

    With every good wish
    Merry Beau
