Monday 26 November 2018


This is how my family celebrates Christmas.When me and my twin brother Sebastian wake up,we go out to the lounge and look in our stockings.We are not allowed to open presents until 9:00 am.We eat the chocolate and open the small toys until 9:00.When it is 9:00,we open our presents.We have a big lunch,involving sandwiches,dumplings,salad,bread,pork and more.For dinner,we have duck,turkey,crayfish or lobster.Then we have a good night sleep for Boxing Day.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

2 truths and 1 lie

1.Breathing requires lungs.
2.In the periodic table,IR stands for indium.
3.Uranus spins sideways.
I will reply to comments!

Thursday 8 November 2018

Questions for David Williams

What inspires you to write a book?

Why do you write the story so you keep the readers in suspense?

Do you think of the story or do you get an idea in real life?

How many countries have you been to?

What is your favourite country?

2 types of people

There are 2 types of people.

An ice cream person

And a ice block person

Which one are you?

Sunday 4 November 2018

Emoji Math

This is my emoji maths work I did on Solvemoji.We had to find the value of the emojis.

Thursday 1 November 2018

My Favourite Things

This is my favourite things slideshow I made for the Student Blogging Challenge.