Tuesday 1 May 2018


I am frozen with excitement as I go up the gondala. I keep taking glances at the window to see if we're  at the top yet. 
When we do get to the top, I jump off with Seb. We visit the Jelly Belly gift shop and buy some jelly beans. Then I run off... only to find a chairlift. Seb and I get on the chairlift and start to go up halfway there it is a good view. Then the chairlift stops. My heart stops beating. But then it starts moving again. I breath a sigh of relief. I get to the top and put on my helmet. "I'm going luging"I tell myself. I get into the cart and learn how to control the cart. I'm off. I zoom and zigzag until the finish. 'That was fun !" I say. "I can't wait till next time!".

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