Sunday 9 September 2018

Sea dragons

Somewhere in the dark, dark sea, a magnificent creature called a sea dragon swims slowly around the ocean. The sea floor is over-run with coral as this unique sea creature is wandering in circles. He carries his eggs on his body, which is soft and smooth to touch. Look! The egg burst!The sea dragon hurries around until the baby sinks into the ocean. Woken with a jolt, the baby zooms forward, pause, zoom forward, pause and so on until the sea dragon is like electricity. The coral swishes and the sun smiles on their smooth skin as these creatures swim into the darkness of the ocean.

King word

Scorched means
a hot place

This is how many words I can make out of
score scorch or sore chore rod rose horse

Vocab task

This is my vocab task for week 7 term 3 2018

My first luge

The queue was long,busy and loud.I am waiting for eternity.When eternity finishes,I hop in the cart for a quick lesson,then I zoom off.It was fun,scary and fast.I finally finish.I feel relieved.The chairlift back home is sensational.I felt like I was flying.I jump off the chairlift with excitement, wishing I could go again.But then I remember that it is only my first time.