Monday 30 July 2018

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Ice Skating

321 Vroom!! I’m off like a rocket, bashing, crashing into the wall. Slipping, tripping onto the ice. Drinking hot milo. Yum! Getting back on the ice. Falling over. Playing tag with my

friends. Going back home.


The good things about trains are:
you don't have to stop for food,
comfy seats,
you can read,
you can put your feet up,
a train can carry lots of people at once,
no traffic,
there is a amazing view,
you can take a nap,
you can lie back,
you can walk around,
you can go to the bathroom and you can play games.
The bad things about trains are:
you could get sick,
you could be in a compartment full of strangers,
the train goes slow,
you have to wait for the train.

Bright stars

I am a shining star at math because I know most of my time tables and I am excellent at learning knew strategys.  I am a burning star at reading because I know how to pronounce different words and I am great at reading articles and stories.  I am a flashing star at spelling because I can spell long and difficult words and I am great with apostrophes.  I am a swelling star at writing because I am great at punctuation and I am great at writing long and interesting pieces of writing.

Spelling wk 9 Tuesday

Opportunity  ytinutroppo opportunity
Pieces seceip pieces
Definite etinifed definte
Intelligent tnegilletni intelligent
Associate etaicossa associate

Spelling wk 9 Wednesday

Opportunity ytinutroppo opportunity
Pieces seceip pieces
Definite etiniefd definite
Intelligent tnegilletni intelligent
Associate etaicossa associate

Inquiry Questions

Spelling wk 7


Knowledge      Egdelwonk          Knowledge
Introduce           Ecudortni           Introduce
Strategy              Ygetarts             Strategy
Descend               Dnecsed            Descend
Maori.                   Amori               Maori